A sailing trip to Helmund, an Afghani restaurant in Cambridge

In last weeks trip to Boston I visited an Afghani restaurant called Helmund on the recommendation of a new friend I met on the plane: Billie Sue, a flight attendant.

I had two colleagues with me who both work with me at our biotech company. I was reminded by a person who is retiring in the next few years that the purpose of life is to sing. His song is to sail. 

He told me retiring is not being inactive, it's about being worry free. I like that definition because that's how I define retirement. He wants to sail after he retires to do research on other sailors. He wants to write a book on the history of American Navy. He told me how amazing it was that those guys could sail and navigate without all the modern equipment that exists today. 

He sang with humility, gratitude and amazement. His song was sweet. There is so much to learn in this world. There are so many miles to sail. There is so much to sing about.   

And, by the way, the food was delicious. None of us had eaten Afghani food before and we all loved it. At the end, our plates were licked clean. I really liked their bread too -- freshly baked in front of us in a wood burning oven.  Sitting in front of the oven was warm. Added to the warmth of the conversation.  

Me, outside the restaurant