Rapture by Victor Hugo

I'm reading this poem by Victor Hugo today and it reminds me of Guru Nanak's words So Dar Keha So Ghar Keha.

When there is no distraction and I am alone under the night sky and at the shore listening. Without the world's distraction, I can really hear; when the clouds are not hiding the stars, and sails are not dotting the sea, I start hearing louder,  I start seeing deeper. The forests, mountains and nature are asking an important question to the waves of the sea and the fires of the sky; and the waves of the sea and the fires of the skies respond, "It is the Lord, the Lord our God."  The creator, the doer.

When there is no distraction and you can really hear, when the clouds are not hiding the stars, and sails are not dotting the sea, I start hearing louder,  I start seeing deeper. The creator, the doer.


And then I heard a loud voice.
- Revelations

Alone with all the stars above and ocean under me,
Not a cloud in heaven, not a sail on the sea,
I started seeing deeper than the real world rushing by.
And the forests, the mountains, nature, everything,
Seemed to speak and question, in confused murmuring,
    The waves of the sea, the fires in the sky.

And the infinite legions of stars that one sees,
In a loud voice, a deep voice, a thousand harmonies,
Were singing, and their fiery coronas seemed to nod;
And the breakers, which can never be chained and never rest,
Were singing, curling back the foaming on their crest:
   ‘It is the Lord, the Lord our God!’

Victor Hugo. Selected Poetry


  1. Alone with all the stars above and ocean under me - it's all written in the first line. Nice reading Shiv. We're singing and listening in silence.
