See the stars mirrored in your own being

Reflecting upon this statement by Rumi: 

Let the waters settle and you will see the moon and the stars mirrored in your own being.


Reflections of Serenity: Discovering Self in Tranquility

In the midst of the chaos and turbulence that often permeate our lives, the pursuit of inner peace becomes an essential endeavor. As Rumi says poignantly, "Let the waters settle and you will see the moon and the stars mirrored in your own being," there is a transformative power of stillness and tranquility in revealing the profound depths of our true selves. Here I am reflecting upon the metaphorical significance behind this statement, highlighting the importance of finding moments of calmness and introspection to attain self-awareness, clarity, and a deeper connection with the world around us.

The Waters of Turmoil

In our fast-paced and demanding world, our minds and hearts are frequently overwhelmed by the relentless currents of stress, anxiety, and societal expectations. The metaphorical "waters" represent the disturbances and distractions that cloud our perception, hindering our ability to truly understand ourselves. In this agitated state, it becomes challenging to observe the celestial wonders that lie within our own being.

Bhagat Namdev reflects on this condition in one of his shabads, Sansar Samunde:

Lobẖ lahar aṯ nījẖar bājai. Kāiā dūbai kesvā. 
The tidal waves of greed constantly assault me.
My body is drowning, O Lord. 

Bhagat Namdev: Sansar Samunde

The Power of Stillness

When we intentionally choose to quiet the turbulence within us and embrace moments of tranquility, the metaphorical waters begin to settle. By cultivating stillness through meditation practices or even taking a peaceful walk in nature, we create a fertile ground for self-reflection and self-discovery. It takes along time for the tidal waves, which Bhagat Namdev sings about, to dissipate.  Slowly all that is left are ripples in the water.  As the ripples fade away, a clear mirror-like surface emerges, enabling us to perceive the moon and the stars of our inner selves.

Mirror of Self-Reflection

When we allow ourselves the opportunity to engage in self-reflection without the distractions of the outside world, we embark on a journey of introspection. In the serene depths of our being, we find a reflection of our true essence, which Guru Nanak and Bhagat Kabir call Satnam. As the mirror-like surface reveals the moon and the stars, it unveils the song we are meant to sing in the universe: our hidden potential, talents, and aspirations emerge. 

Similar to a sculptor meticulously carving away at a block of marble, our self-discovery journey involves chiseling away layers of greed, lust, doubt, fear, ego, and societal expectations. With each introspective inquiry, we blow away the dust to reveal our authentic selves, liberated from the constraints that hindered our growth. As the sculpture takes form, our hidden talents and aspirations begin to surface, ready to be embraced and nurtured.

Clarity and Self-Awareness

As we peer through the lenses of clarity, wearing our glasses, the serene waters present a vivid reflection. The stillness surrounding us creates an optimal atmosphere for contemplation, enabling us to delve deep into our thoughts, emotions, and actions. In this focused state, a heightened self-awareness emerges, revealing our strengths and weaknesses, the patterns that shape our behavior, and the driving forces behind our decisions. This newfound self-knowledge becomes a guiding beacon, illuminating the path towards personal growth and fulfillment with unwavering brightness.

Connection with the Universe

By delving into our own being, we discover that we are not separate entities but interconnected with the universe. The moon and stars mirrored within us symbolize the universal elements that reside in each individual. We recognize the shared humanity, the aspirations, and the struggles that bind us together. This realization fosters empathy, compassion, and a deeper understanding of the world and the people around us. I am reminded of Bhagat Ravidas' immortal words:

Tohi Mohi Mohi Tohi Antar Kaisa?
You are me, and I am You
what is the difference between us?
We are like gold and the bracelet,
We are like water and the waves.

Reflections of Serenity

In a world immersed in the cacophony of noise and commotion, seeking moments of stillness and tranquility is akin to diving beneath the surface, snorkeling in the depths of our being. As we let the turbulent waters settle, a remarkable transformation occurs, unveiling the breathtaking beauty hidden beneath. Just as the snorkeler discovers the vibrant colors and enchanting marine life beneath the surface, we unlock the potential to witness the celestial wonders of the moon and the stars mirrored within ourselves. Engaging in self-reflection becomes our compass, guiding us towards clarity, self-awareness, and an extraordinary connection with the universe. Embracing the power of stillness, recognize the song that we are here to sing, we navigate the currents of life with authenticity, purpose, and a renewed sense of harmony, both within ourselves and the world around us.

Attempt 2 - Reflections of Serenity: Discovering Self in Tranquility

In a world characterized by perpetual motion and constant noise, the concept of finding tranquility can seem elusive. However, the statement, "Let the waters settle and you will see the moon and the stars mirrored in your own being," encapsulates a profound truth. By embracing stillness and allowing the tumultuous waters of our lives to settle, we gain the clarity to perceive the profound beauty and wisdom within ourselves. This essay explores the transformative power of stillness, illuminating how the reflection of celestial bodies within our being reveals hidden truths, nourishes our souls, and guides us towards self-discovery and growth.


The Essence of Stillness:
The pace of modern life often leaves us overwhelmed, disconnected, and distracted. However, stillness offers a respite, enabling us to reconnect with our inner selves and the world around us. Just as a calm lake reflects the celestial bodies above, stillness allows us to mirror the magnificence of the universe within us. By quieting the mind and settling the emotional turbulence, we create a serene space in which our true nature can emerge.

Self-Reflection and Inner Awareness:
When the waters of our being are calm, we gain the ability to observe ourselves without judgment or bias. In this state, we can delve into the depths of our thoughts, emotions, and desires, gaining a profound understanding of our true essence. The mirrored image of the moon and stars represents the reflection of our own aspirations, dreams, and potential. Through stillness, we cultivate self-awareness and embrace the vastness of our inner universe.

Unveiling Hidden Truths:
The chaos of everyday life often obscures our perception, making it difficult to discern the truths that lie within us. Yet, in moments of tranquility, the waters settle, revealing profound insights and wisdom. Like the moon and stars mirrored in still waters, our true nature and purpose become illuminated. Through stillness, we gain clarity, enabling us to recognize our authentic desires, values, and beliefs. The process of reflection helps us align our actions and choices with our deepest convictions, leading to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

Nourishment for the Soul:
Just as the moon and stars nourish our spirits with their ethereal beauty, the stillness we cultivate within ourselves nourishes our souls. In the hectic pace of life, we often neglect our own well-being, leaving our spirits starved for tranquility and peace. However, through the practice of stillness, we tap into a wellspring of inner peace, rejuvenation, and joy. By mirroring the celestial wonders within us, we are reminded of the inherent beauty and divinity of our existence, fostering a profound sense of self-acceptance and contentment.

Guiding Us on the Path of Growth:
The mirrored reflection of celestial bodies serves as a compass, guiding us towards self-discovery and growth. As we embrace stillness and gain insight into our true selves, we unlock our hidden potential and embark on a journey of personal development. Through self-reflection, we identify areas for improvement, cultivate our strengths, and nurture our passions. The mirrored reflection not only reveals our current state but also inspires us to reach for the stars, encouraging us to transcend limitations and embrace our fullest potential.


In a world often defined by chaos and noise, the power of stillness is transformative. As we allow the waters of our being to settle, we witness the miraculous reflection of the moon and the stars within us. Through this reflection, we gain profound self-awareness, uncover hidden truths, nourish our souls, and embark on a journey of growth and self-discovery.