A Seeker's Journey

A Seeker’s Journey (first revision)
- poem

In the quiet of dawn,  
I whisper a prayer,  
not for the weight of gold,  
nor for the fleeting shine of silver.  
No, it is not the comfort of the world  
that stirs this heart,  
but a longing to be led  
from the false to the real.

The world shifts and sways,  
a dance of shadows  
that play across the walls of the mind.  
I reach out,  
not for the shifting sand beneath my feet,  
but for the solid ground  
that lies beneath the illusion.

"Guide me," I ask,  
"from the darkness that blinds,  
to the light that reveals  
the truth hidden in plain sight."  
For in the stillness of night,  
when the stars are silent,  
it is not the light of day I seek,  
but the light of understanding  
that burns eternal within.

And death—what is it,  
but a veil drawn across the eyes?  
I do not ask to live forever,  
but to know the truth  
that life and death are but the play of time,  
and I am something more,  
something timeless,  
something that cannot be touched  
by the hands of the clock.

So I walk, step by step,  
on a path that winds inward,  
where each turn brings me closer  
to the knowledge  
that I am not this body,  
not this mind,  
but the still, silent witness  
to the dance of the world.

And in this journey,  
I find peace,  
not in the world outside,  
but in the understanding  
that I am, have always been,  
and will always be  
the light,  
the truth,  
the immortal self  
that lies beyond all shadows.